TØP Frisbee Discraft Ultrastar Ultimate Frisbee (Custom / Min 25) by maddyb82302

Design 415812 Disc Golf and Ultimate Discs

Custom Discraft Ultrastar Ultimate Frisbee (Custom / Min 25)

If you play Ultimate Frisbee, you already know about the Ultrastar- A worldwide industry standard for the sport of Ultimate, and the official disc of USA Ultimate since 1991. It is also the official ultimate disc of the World Flying Disc Federation, American Ultimate Disc League, Ultimate Canada, Ultimate UK, Japan Ultimate, Beach Ultimate Lovers Assn & many other ultimate governing bodies. What makes the Ultrastar the choice frisbee for Ultimate? Contoured grip, aerodynamic engineering, standard of quality, consistency and performance has made this the most trusted Ultimate disc in the sport. This is a regulation disc for ultimate frisbee (not disc golf), and also makes a great leisure disc to play catch with. It is lighter and softer on the hand when catching because of it's larger size and lighter weight (especially compared to the smaller and harder disc golf disc). Ultimate Frisbees are meant to be thrown between players on a field, so the design is naturally more geared for catching. The large radius also makes it easier to throw a longer, floating toss. Your Custom Ultrastar will be 175g and have your custom design printed in the center of the disc. There is a minimum order quantity of 25 discs per order. How is this different than a disc golf disc? Disc golf discs, on the other hand, are meant for throwing at a basket, not a person so are not as catch-friendly and can sting the hand with harder heavier edges, compared to the softer and lighter ultimate frisbee. Please note if you would like to place an order the turnaround time is 4-6 weeks for processing and standard usps shipping, so be sure to order in advanced!
Designer: maddyb82302
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