Winter is winding down and soon the weather will be a bit warmer and the grass a little greener. The outdoors will be inviting us all to come out of our cozy homes and enjoy the sun and fresh air at the parks and beaches. Now is the perfect time to design your very own Ultimate Frisbee discs. Fly Discs is your user friendly site that makes it easy to create any look you wish on an ultimate Frisbee disc.
Excited for Spring
2016 is going by fast! Valentine’s day just passed and March is less than a few weeks away. After a long winter in hibernation, playing some Ultimate Frisbee at the park will be a fresh change. It’s a great time to get out there and to get those legs running and jumping. It’s a game the whole family can participate in and enjoy. Our Ultimate Frisbee discs are also great for casual games that even the dog can join in on!
Designing Ultimate Frisbee Discs
The process is broken down into four easy steps. Step one allows you to add background colors and designs onto your Ultimate Frisbee discs. You can do a color fade or choose a background design to create a colorful design. Step two is uploading a photo. Using the customizer tool, you can add an image to the disc, and then adjust the size and placement on the disc. Step three is adding text. With this feature, you can add a special message or a funny quote onto your Ultimate Frisbee disc. Step four is saving your design. Now you are ready to order your new Ultimate Frisbee discs!